The tutor covers the basics from putting together your pipes, tuning them and the fingering. There are exercises and carefully graded tunes leading you through each new note, each new rhythm and then each new grace note.
The CDrom contains over 6 hours of audio lessons and 30+ video clips (I haven't added up how long they are). These accompany the tutor book, which is delivered as a printable pdf. (The pdf is available for purchase on it's own and is self standing) It is possible to learn only from the pdf but most leaners would probably benefit from the full CDrom. If you have any questions give me a shout!
For those people who no longer have a CD drive, the tutor is also available on a memory stick. There is the option to buy the memory stick with all the bagpipe tunes that Vicki has ever recorded - 26 tracks on Scottish Smallpipes, Border pipes and Swedish säckpipa.
The PDF tutor book comes free with the CDRom
The tutor is £20 plus p&p.
The tutor plus mp3 album is £25